1. Whether you are searching for a partner or answers, don’t be overwhelmed by poor examples. Think like a new driver trying to get onto the motorway for the first time… If you look for cars, you will always find one. You really need to be looking for gaps. 2. Imagine if you can take ... Read more...
Category Headlines
The formula for becoming an author
I was looking at the Blog of an Adelaide author, Sean Williams* and came across this post, which is gold for two reasons: 1. He’s telling it like it is. From the real world. His own experience. 2. I’ve seen the same ‘formula’ work in both writing and business. It follows the message I repeat ... Read more...
New Look website
It has taken a while, but all good things come to those who wait. I’m really happy with the new website and hope that it will make life easier. The site is designed to be a central contact point for me, so that you can check out what I’m up to any time. I will ... Read more...
First Book – Due October 09
My first book is due to hit shelves in October this year, just one month shy of my 40th birthday! It has been a long time coming and I’d like to share some of the joy. All you have to do is guess the topic of the book. You can have three guesses, but no ... Read more...