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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-31

I posted Catching the next (Google) wave check it out here # I posted wonderful art check it out here # Read more...

Catching the next (Google) wave

I’d like to point you to a video that showcases a technology which I think is the first big breakthrough in Internet communication since the old Bulletin Boards of the late 80s and early 90s. It could also be the answer to SPAM! It’s called Google Wave and (amongst many other things) it combines email ... Read more...

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-10

I posted Digital Photography free software check it out here # I posted Why ‘wrong’ isn’t bad check it out here # I posted my email won’t work! check it out here # Read more...

my email won’t work!

If your email is suddenly not working, here is one common reason for it. Before you call your ISP or website host, check the Server Settings in your email software. Make sure that you are set to receive emails every 16 minutes or greater. Why? In recent years ISPs and Website Hosts have had to ... Read more...

Why ‘wrong’ isn’t bad

I’ve been lucky to have Brandon in my life because he has taught me just how much you can learn from your mistakes… more so than the successes. I’ve watched people fall apart when they have breezed through life prior something that was (to me) a minor setback. We’re talking families collapsing. Is it possible ... Read more...